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Maritime Social Legislation

Droit social maritime

We provide advice and litigation services on aspects relating to the social management of the crew:

  • Captain
  • Officers
  • Sailors
  • Stewards
  • Drafting of Employment Contracts
  • Disputes Related to the Termination of Crew and Captain
  • Advice on the Social Security System for Seafarers
Areas of Intervention

We draw up employment contracts on behalf of the shipowner in order to recruit and retain the crew.

We advise shipowners on the applicable social security system under EC Regulation 883/2004 and Decree No. 2017-307 of 9 March 2017 on the affiliation of seafarers residing in France and working on non-French flagged vessels.

We also assist you in your dealings with the ENIM.

We assist you in disputes related to the social management of the crew.

We intervene at the onset of the ship arrest process in order to secure your maritime claim relating to payment of crew and captain’s wages, and we also intervene before the Labour Court.

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Vos avocats pour Droit social maritime
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