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Choice of Flag

Choice of Flag

We advise shipowners and vessel owners on establishing their flag and on vessel status.

  • Vessel “Francisation” and Registration
  • Vessel Registration Under the Registry of a Foreign Flag
  • Vessel Registration with the French International Register (RIF)
Areas of Intervention

We assist for your vessel’s francisation and registration procedures. Seafaring pleasure vessels are francised by French customs and registered by the maritime affairs department.

In particular, we carry out the necessary formalities for importing your vessel to be francised.

Notre Cabinet, situé à Marseille, bénéficie d’une proximité immédiate avec le guichet unique du RIF.

Our firm, located in Marseille, benefits from its close proximity to the French International Register’s Guichet Unique. The RIF is an international register for French commercial vessels and commercial yachts. It provides your vessel with a French nationality and confers numerous advantages. It is a registry that upholds the highest standards of safety, security and environmental protection while offering tax and administrative advantages, great freedom of choice for your crew and real advantages for them.

Once the name of the vessel has been reserved, we will guide you through each step of the registration process.

As part of our advice on the choice of flag, we are able to register your vessel in the registry of a foreign flag (Malta, Madeira, British Registry, etc.).

We have an extensive network of partners to order to register a vessel under a foreign flag.

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